Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hemmings Sunday Cinema – Circuit of Ireland, Modern Light Brigade, Fireball 500


In the 1971 documentary “A Dash of the Irish,” we not only get expert commentary from Paddy Hopkirk on the Circuit of Ireland rally (as he says, thanks to the lack of practice days, “there are more real elements in this than in any other rally”), we also get to see him in action piloting a camera car around the course, a much more immersive experience than simply watching it from the roadside.

* Though it was a Ford Pygmy that the National Historic Vehicle Register honored earlier this week, we keep turning up vintage Bantam Reconnaissance Car materials, like this British Pathe short showing a group of BRCs in action.

* We’ve kept an eye out on YouTube for chase scenes or racing scenes from the 1966 Frankie and Annette flick “Fireball 500,” but y’all are gonna have to settle for the whole thing instead.

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