Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hemmings Sunday Cinema – those great VW ads, kiddie monowheel, East Corridor


Perhaps one of the most memorable and influential ad campaigns – not just for automobiles, but of all time – was that run by DDB for Volkswagen. To get to the bottom of why it worked so well and how it all came about, director Joe Marcantonio interviewed some of the key players behind it for his short documentary “Remember Those Great Volkswagen Ads?

* Despite our extensive coverage of monowheels here, we’ve yet to come across this kiddie monowheel that British Pathe filmed in 1927 and that The Old Motor came across this past week.

* More Russian car chases, this time a film we’re guessing is titled “East Corridor,” from 1990. It gets more outlandish as it goes on, which means it gets better as it goes on.

See original article at"

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