Sunday, August 7, 2016

Hemmings Sunday Cinema – drag racers invade England, Jeep in War and Peace, VAZ vs GAZ


Drag racing in Britain got a big push forward when the NHRA took several of its big names and their cars over for exhibition races in the mid-Sixties, as seen in this British Pathe video that Mac’s Motor City Garage recently uncovered.

* Add to the playlist of other WWII films about the Army Jeep this 10-minute reel, “The Jeep in War and Peace,” which features plenty of Jeeps in action. (via)

* My new obsession? Russian car chase scenes. There seems to be plenty of them, the cars are sufficiently disposable, and you still don’t need to know what they’re saying – car chases and car crashes seem to be a universal language. Google Translate has the title of the 1991 film featuring this scene as “Pet.”

See original article at"

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