Saturday, August 13, 2016

Four-Links – double exposures, H.B. Halicki, Rt. 66 garage resto, future of kit cars


Double-exposed film, an annoyance that digital photography has all but eliminated, can actually look rather nice in the hands of a photographer like Jacob Kahler, who specializes in double-exposed automotive photography, and whom Silodrome profiled this past week.


* Some of you have probably not forgiven me for unintentionally slighting H.B. Halicki’s original “Gone in 60 Seconds” many years ago. As a mea culpa, I include this look at the life and times and movies of the man they call the “car crash king.”


* As The Old Motor reported this past week, the Front Street Garage in Galena, Kansas – a Route 66 landmark that dates back to 1896 – is headed for restoration.


* Are kit cars doomed? That’s the existential question Donnie at Price of His Toys wrestled with this week as he considered the recent history and the future of the fiberglass kit car movement.

Photo by Christopher Windus.

* Finally, Sniff Petrol tells us that every barn (at least in the U.K.) has now been exhausted of their supplies of sacked-away old cars.

See original article at"

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